Renaissance Touches
prepared and performed by
Jitka Baštová – accordion
Jindřich Macek - lute
J. Dowland, G. Zamboni, D. Scarlatti, C. Debussy, A. Piazzolla, L. Bernáth a L. Pihlajammaa
The concerto "Renaissance Touches", named according to the contemporary works for our duo, is focused on
a selection of the most beautiful solo compositions for lute and accordion since the Renaissance. Dowland’s compositions or Zamboni’s sonatas belong among the most attractive lute pieces and the concerto accordion rendition of Scarlatti’s sonatas suggests that this music can also speak in an individual way to today's audience.
In addition to contemporary compositions composed specifically for us, chamber inlets are also formed by selected works in our own arrangements.
Chapels, churches and other sacred spaces are suitable settings for the realization of this concert programme.
Sample of the programme:
Luboš Bernáth - For Johannes Ockeghem
The program can be ordered here...